Transforms a wrangled contracts dataframe (the output of wrangle_contracts_on_oi) into a wide numerical matrix for simulation.

Returns a matrix with 3 columns per symbol plus the date. Symbols appear as suffixes in the column names (the * below).

Handles missing data by filling forward the last value, except for leading NAs which persist.




dataframe output of wrangle_contracts_on_oi()


Wide numerical matrix with the following columns: date: numerical days since epoch close_current_contract_*: n columns designating the closing price (closepoint_value) of the current contract for each symbol. close_previous_contract_*: n columns designating the closing price (closepoint_value) of yesterday's contract for each symbol. Will have the same value as close_current_contract unless there was a roll. roll_*: n columns of (0,1) designating whether a roll occurs on the current date (1) or not (0).


if (FALSE) {
wrangled <- wrangle_contracts_on_oi(futures)
sim_prices <- make_sim_prices_matrix(wrangled)